Although none of those aspirations ever came to be, qualities from all of them seem to manifest in my current role as a High School Teacher. I had finally figured it out. As a teacher I could become all of those things. Some more often than others.
A few students enter my class knowing exactly what they "want to be" while others are still figuring out exactly what they want to become. When I introduce the concept of branding I do so with the words of Simon Sinek ringing through my ears. He speaks about the "Golden Circle" and that "people do not buy what you do, they buy why you do it." To me, this statement IS personal branding and I ask students to give this quote a lot of attention.
I explain to them that "understanding why you do, what you do, will lead you to understanding who you are. And that is your personal brand." No matter who or what they become in life, I believe that if they follow the path that their "Why" takes them, then they will accomplish their dreams.
Early in the discovery process one of the tools that students have loved to use is a unique personality quiz provided by VisualDNA. It uses images to answer questions and once completed provides my students with a deep analysis in regards to a number of character traits.
Do you know of any other resources that might help students to think about and discover what it is that motivates them? If so, I would love to hear from you.
Always fabulous information for all!